Sixth part of popular hiscores crossword puzzle, this time with characters from fairy tales! Find all the words from the list as fast as possible! Press on the letter and drag to s...
The Spring Break Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features Spring Break Amy. To complete Spring Break Amy’s image, simply move the slider puzzle tiles ...
While vacationing at Barnacle Bay, you walked into the wrong room. Crooks were in the room and locked you in the bedroom. Now you must escape! Point and Click
The St Patrick’s Day Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features St Patty’s Day Sadie 16. To complete St Patty’s Day Sadie 16’s image, ...
Have you ever thought that the mess under your bed could become alive? Well, hold on, as it could! But don’t be afraid, the creature that became alive one night is pleasant. ...
Everybody loves a clean spotless kitchen. The sight of sparkling utensils placed neatly on their racks the squeaky clean floor and the neatly loaded refrigerator invites one to tou...
You go scuba diving to find different types of fish. Find the hidden fishes in short duration to get high score.Avoid clicking wrongly,as otherwise you will lose 20 seconds in give...
The Tool Girl Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features Tool Girl Lana. To complete Tool Girl Lana’s image, simply move the slider puzzle tiles around....
Hi there, my name is Billy Beamer! As you might guess I am not from around here. I travelled to this far away planet called ‘Earth’ to do some research by collecting specimen of al...