You are the last of your kind! Survive! MOVEMENT: arrow keys SHOOT: spacebar CHANGE BULLET COLOR: 1,2,3,4 or cycle with “A”&”D” (enemies can only be ki...
One button adventure about a dinosaur’s attempt at saving his kind by using a couple of abilities, but only one at a time. With letters to collect to reveal the true ending.rn
A world with no life left on it, but one man made robot alone in a building, The people of this world were destroyed by a evil group of monsters known as the X-Ze a group of monste...
A remake of Pixel Wars! The Pixel World was corrupted by a computer virus and you’re the last good pixel, you need to use any means necessary to stop the evil pixels before they’re...
At the roman empire, the bobs king has choose you to become an gladiator, and you have success to defeat all gladiator, but the king not glad if you’re become an gladiator so...