Remove gems by creating lines of three or more of the same type. Use your mouse to click and swap adjacent gems. Build your score to move to the next level before time runs out.
The Beach Babe Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features Beach Babe Amy. To complete Beach Babe Amy’s image, simply move the slider puzzle tiles around...
The Summer Holiday Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features Summer Holiday Sadie 16. To complete Summer Holiday Sadie 16’s image, simply move the slid...
The Earth Day Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features Earth Day Lana. To complete Earth Day Lana’s image, simply move the slider puzzle tiles around....
An arcade action packed, highly detailed 1st person shooter, 1 stage, can you survive until the end. In this 20 frames per-second all out shooter! If you run out of bullets donR...
The Father’s Day Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features Fathers Day Sadie. To complete Fathers Day Sadie’s image, simply move the slider puzzl...
The Firefighter Girl Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features Firefighter Girl Amy. To complete Firefighter Girl Amy’s image, simply move the slider p...
The Graduate Pinup Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features Graduate Pinup Lana. To complete Graduate Pinup Lana’s image, simply move the slider puzzl...
The Happy Halloween Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features Happy Halloween Skye. To complete Happy Halloween Skye’s image, simply move the slider pu...
The Merry Christmas Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features Merry Christmas Sadie Elf. To complete Merry Christmas Sadie Elf’s image, simply move the...
The Native Girl Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features Native Girl Dakotah. To complete Native Girl Dakotah’s image, simply move the slider puzzle t...
The Mother’s Day Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features Mothers Day Sadie. To complete Mothers Day Sadie’s image, simply move the slider puzzl...
The Spring Break Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features Spring Break Amy. To complete Spring Break Amy’s image, simply move the slider puzzle tiles ...
The St Patrick’s Day Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features St Patty’s Day Sadie 16. To complete St Patty’s Day Sadie 16’s image, ...
The Tool Girl Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features Tool Girl Lana. To complete Tool Girl Lana’s image, simply move the slider puzzle tiles around....
The Valentine’s Day Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features Valentine’s Day Toon Baby. To complete Valentine’s Day Toon Baby’s imag...
The Summer Vacation Sliding Puzzle is a new Flash tile Sliding Puzzle which features Summer Vacation Amy. To complete Summer Vacation Amy’s image, simply move the slider puzz...
Summer Holiday Jigsaw Puzzle is a new Flash tiling Jigsaw Puzzle featuring Summer Holiday Sadie 16. Challenge yourself by solving this jigsaw puzzle. Simply complete the entire ima...