The world is no longer safe, There are fupas roaming free everywhere, destroying everything they get their little hands on, Fly your high technology plane and take them out before ...
You are one of the greatest pilots in the intergalactic armada. Extra-dimensional alien beings have invaded the cosmos and are wreaking havoc on all peaceful planets in the federat...
You have just landed on a desert planet to do a recon mission for the high command. Suddenly you are set upon by a horde of alien mechs. Defend yourself and escape to warn the high...
You are a star quarterback in the fupa world and must make a certain amount of fupa balls into the tires inorder to ready yourself for playoffs, Avoid getting hit by the oncoming f...
You are a fupa police man on patrol when all of the sudden some fupa hooligans start to attack you, Take them down before you are killed by the thugs! Press CTRL or Z to fire prima...
The fupa have invaded earth and are in need of food, You must toss pies at the fupas until they are all satisfied! Make sure you do it within the time limit and dont get hit by the...
After the indians battle against the the ninjas being a success, The Samurai want a peice of the action as well, They think they have what it takes to defeat the indians, Prove the...
A defiant and agressive dragon has been harassing the people of fupaville making them scared to do anything but the requests of the dragon, Go and free them once and for all from t...
Little Ms. Emo loves to go to concerts after a long day of work and school to dance out her frustration. Dye your hair pink and purple, wear some cool leggings and ripped jeans, an...
This is no ordinary wedding! This beautiful landscape will the backdrop to the union of these two beautiful people! Style them in some elegant summer wedding gowns and tuxedos for ...
This bride wants to get married in the sunshine, so they started the ceremony before dawn, so the brightest sun rays would grace her face when she said the words, “I do.̶...
You have been sailing in the Ocean of Fire near the Great Volcano looking for treasure when suddenly you notice that the Pirates of the Ever Night have boarded your ship and are at...