While exploring planet Mars you notice unusual activities. Protect the expedition, aiming and shooting with the cannon the unfriendly creatures on planet Mars. Use the mouse to aim...
Command your Evil hordes in a epic battle to defeat the armies of the Realm and the mighty Titan – Use your units unique special skills – Drag and drop unit icons to ch...
In a Chopper-inspired game, you fly your ghost between the spirit lights as far as possible in hopes of reaching heaven. On your way you’ll see the ghosts of your opponents w...
You have 60 seconds to drive your sports car and beat the record of the maximum distance and maximum speed. Drive your car with only Right/Left, avoid the obstacles and reach the m...
Launch a rocket into the skies with the goal of reaching space in the shortest amount of days possible Keyboard: Left / Right – to turn Down – turn of the main engine Up – use boos...
ovzi too busy playing in the woods so as to make the alien is left behind from the aircraft carrier, now this alien had to run up to the desert to find its mother ship. there are 4...
The unstoppable running vampire! Run as long as you can. Jump with X. If you fall off the platform, press C to fly but remember that you need some blood collected earlier.
You were able to learn how to fly, but Icebergs stopped you and crushed your dreams. Now you’re back for revenge! Use the left/right arrows or A/D to steer, space bar to use boost,...
Powershot Reloaded is a soccer themed distance game: select from 3 different characters, choose angle and power for every shot and see how far you can kick the ball using the 5 ava...
You are the paraglider, which for unknown reasons, fell into a deep ice hopper. You fall down holes, holding an umbrella. You have to control it using the mouse to the green snowfl...
It’s Halloween time again. You have to launch the mighty pumpkin to destroy in your way as many Halloween characters as possible. Use the mouse to launch the pumpkin. Buy upg...
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