“The Arena” is a fighting game where the player have to study his opponents, finding their weak point. The player can get coins and rewards by defeating his oponents so...
中国象棋,玩家vs电脑,可调节AI。 鼠标点击棋盘相应位置移动棋子(无须拖动) B:开始(玩家黑方,电脑红方先走棋) R:开始(电脑黑方,玩家红方先走棋) P:悔棋 Enter:游戏菜单 Chinese Chess, Player vs Computer. Click the chessboard to make a move(don’t dra...
New School Season… Boring! But on break time we can help you relax! Play this classic Tic Tac Toe game, either on Single or Two Player Mode! Compete against the computer or c...