Red Roses Escape
find all items to get out of the room. are your skill enought ? try it! good luck play with your mouse
Winterz Skiing
A downhill skiing game where the player holds onto the ski poles and uses the left and right arrow to move the platform left or right to steer. Use the left and right arrows keys to avoid as many obstacles as possible.For a higher score collect all the flags coming in your way.
Three Girls Band
Avez-vous déjà essayé des robes Three Girls Band? Vous serait vraiment douce, confortable et élégant dans cette robe pour cette saison. Essayez ces robes de cette collection vous croire en mes paroles.
Nice Korean Couple
당신은`패션 중독자를 다시하고`t 자신의 패션 스타일을 만들 수 기다릴 수있다면,이 장소는 당신을 위해 단지이다. 당신은`무수한 전통 의상, 스포츠 소송뿐만 아니라 다른 여러 가끔 옷을 찾아 볼게. 가장 예쁜 스타일을 한 예쁜 소녀와 소년이 드레스를 선택합니다....
Capitals of the world
Take this rapid fire, one minute quiz and find out how well you know different countries and their capitals. If you’re happy with your score submit it and compare it to other players from all around the world. Click on the correct answer
SiwerTran Fight
Tell the aliens you are the law in universe! Space bar or left click to use power ups. After equipped wings, “z” to transform. After equipped shadow, “x” to start shadow mode. “1”, “2”, “3” to select weapons, see detail instructions in rese...
who is your real lover?
who is your real lover?let us test 男生女生都来测测谁是你最爱的人,很准哦!! use your mouse to select 用鼠标点击你所选项既可
Brain booster
Brain booster, as its name suggested, will show how is the agility of their brain activity. Despite being a simple game you may notice as attention and speed increase as you play.