rlax China
Dice Mix
Move the blue dice to the reds position and the red dice to the blues position within smallest number of moves. Move the blue dice to the reds position and the red dice to the blues position within smallest number of moves. You can move the dice by clicking it. A dice can be moved to an empty space ...
Zoo Buddies are here! Well, not exactly here…but around here somewhere… maybe they are hiding behind those leaves…let’s go look.There they are!Oh, it’s the twins! Come on,let’s find the rest of them! Search the leaves for the hiding Zoo Buddies, memorize the hideo...
Are you a Republican
A fun and political quiz game but not too serious. Politics are a major topic in the world. Today you can find out if you belong to the republicans. Play the quiz and find out what todays outcome brings you! Start the game. Follow the different questions. Chose the picture to which you feel attracte...
Father’s Day Jigsaw Puzzle
Father’s Day Jigsaw Puzzle is a new Flash tiling Jigsaw Puzzle featuring Fathers Day Sadie. Challenge yourself by solving this jigsaw puzzle. Simply complete the entire image of Sadie. With practice you will become an expert at solving our Jigsaw Puzzle. So go ahead and have some fun. At the b...
This is turn based strategy game. Right turn will make you win game. Click on any 5 displaying cards to step forward. Use turns wisely to hit opponent.