Surprise Party
It’s your best friend’s birthday and you want to do something really spectacularly fun! Plan a surprise party with your friends, put up streamers and balloons, and find a great hiding place! She is going to be so excited when you burst from cover with presents!
Slapthon Ronaldo vs Messi
A funny game with Ronaldo and Messi. A remake of the popular hit game slap the monkey. Select Messi or Ronaldo and slap him as hard as you can with one of the 3 items. The higher the speed, the more points. You have 6 shots to let him cry.
Young Journalist
“Ronny is a young journalist. Today she is going to cover the fire accident which has taken place in incoming flight. Can you help her to put on an apt office make up so that she is able to talk to the ground staff?”
Chamán Blacky: el juego
Elige un número del 10 al 99. Suma los dígitos y resta esa diferencia del número original. Por ejemplo, si escoges el 53, suma el 5 + 3. Te da 8. Resta 8 de 53 y te da 45. El chamán Blacky adivinará el símbolo que está junto al 45. El chaman no se equivoca. Juegos GamesXD
dave ‘ s town
Some vandal keeps drawing graffitis all over the place . Clean the city and see how many points you can get ! [right arrow] go right [left arrow] go left [up arrow] jump [mouse] drag and drop words
Handsome Waiter
적 드레스를 시도Handsome Waiter? 당신은 정말 편안 온유하고 세련된 이번 시즌이 드레스를 입고 것입니다. 그럼 당신은 내 말을 믿고이 컬렉션에서이 드레스를 사용해보십시오.
My Beach Design
If you have a personal beach, how would you like to design it? You can design it as your want style. Enjoy yourself!
Bubble Madness
Bubble Madness is another flash puzzle game. Move all the bubbles to the other side before timer runs out. Use up and down arrow keys to move the gate. Move all the bubbles to the other side before timer runs out.