Assemble PC
teaches you how to assemble a PC use the mouse and read the instructions!
Use the AudioLock Cracker to help Agent Bram Rexis gather the stolen mutagen! Agent Bram Rexis is a master of espionage, and has been hired to recover a stolen mutagen. Because of his experience with all kinds of facilities, including ones with new Sonic Forcefield technology, it is up to Agent Rexi...
Monster Tank
Zoptirik presents the Monster Tank game. You are in the middle of a war. Your commander directed you to drive this monster tank. You should be able to drive it through the war arena and reach final destination to help your troops. Drive the tank over the obstacles and complete each level.
123 Puzzles
Put a 1, 2, or 3 in every blank hex. Each number indicates how many hexes are part of the adjacent group with the same number. That is, groups of 1’s, 2’s and 3’s contain exactly 1, 2, and 3 hexes respectively.
Zombie Boom
Blast the zombies and save the innocent bystanders in Zombie Boom. Can you complete all 25 levels of zombie carnage in this physics based puzzle game? Drop bombs with the mouse and they will explode on contact with a zombie or the ground. You can also place bombs on the ground.