Unserious simulation of beach volleyball with an unusual control. The game is made in anime style and need no keyboards for controls. Just mouse controller. TouchPad is also available for gaming. 9 opponents.
Tamag*chi is back in 2011! Smart ass pet game. Always look after a little buddy. Become a good parent. Mouse to play
Extra Puzzle 3D
Build on rectangular blocks adding to their smaller tetris blocks. Blocks of various shapes throw from the left. When they reach the infinite rectangle expanding it. Tetris Blocks can be rotated. Scoring in the game: – lost piece of block -50 points – arrangement of block +100 points, ...
Pastry Shop
You are a brand-new employee at the bakery. You have been employed to take orders and serve the customers. You role is really important you are on the front-line and you must preserve the excellent reputation of the bakery.
Young Fashion March 8
Want it delivered Tuesday, March 8? Order it in the next , and choose One-Day …. are the best up-and-coming young fashion designer the world has ever seen. …. If you have a little girl that likes to play dress-up with her dolls