Frankie’s Sliding Puzzle
A fun puzzle with a picture of an attractive living dead girl as a reward. You are given a field of 16 tiles with one tile removed. All of the tiles are positioned in a random order. Your task is to place the tiles in order by sliding the tiles using the empty space. To slide the tile adjacent to th...
A fast and fun arcade shooting game. Press any keyboardbutton to fire. Kill the bloodthirsty bats in the mine to fill the baloonmeeter and when its full it will release baloons. Pop the baloons to get more time in the mine. If your mission is a succes you will get rich with gold to spend on new toys.
日军侵华,占据中国大部分地区,玩家扮演一名中国狙击手,独自一人潜伏日军据点,暗杀日军 按空格打开狙击镜才可以开枪,当出现警报声的时候马上按 A 键来掩护自己,等警报结束再按 S键退出掩护后,按空格打开狙击镜再开枪 空格键打开/关闭狙击镜,点击鼠标左键开枪,A键掩护,S走出掩护,R换子弹...
NHA Studiebalans
Hoe te spelen:Gebruik de pijltjes toetsen om je loper in balans te houden.Mocht je uit balans raken dan heb je 3 reddingen. Duw heel snel 15 keer achter elkaar op de spatiebalk om jezelf weer rechtop te zetten.Op de rustplaatsen (om de 5 meter) krijg je iets om aan je evenwichtsstok te hangen. Hoe v...
Remake of the famous Xonix game in 3D. Inspired by AirXonix. -10 levels -6 enemy types -6 bonuses. Use WASD or arrows to move. Cut off parts of the field to finish the level. Don’t cross your trail or you will lose life. Don’t collide with the balls or you will lose life. If the ball cro...
Wolf5K Flash 重返狼堡(像素版)
A fast paced First Person Shooter. Classic FPS game Wolfenstein3D like first pernson shooting game. Remake of Wolf5K in Flash. Eliminate all enemies in the level to go to next level. This game has infinite number of levels. 一部快节奏的德军总部3D类型第一人称射击游戏。 消灭本关所有的敌人,进入下一关。 A fast paced First Person Shooter. ...
Completed the pieces of apples picture Click and drop the pieces to the right places
This game allows your child to practice multiplication tables the child must press the number of plates required to complete the strawberries he wants.
Snowman Skiing
Pick up branches, pine cones, and carrot to complete the snowman. Use the left and right arrow keys to control the direction of the snowman.