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The classic game by many names has returned once again, this time under the name of “Blox”! Control your paddle to knock the ball back, and when you’ve destroy bl...

I was playing Falldown in class one day, and my mind started wandering. I thought, “What is at the top of the screen that this little ball is so scared of? What is at the bot...

DOULIKEDUBSTEP? write music with your keyboard

Run through each level as you continuously change color to match the blocks on the ground. The difficulty has been tuned down a bit to create fewer rage quits! Space Bar or J ̵...

Loading... is a gaming website.and developing the games for clients.Contact us through
[email protected]. Analyze your power by finding out the numbers which are hidden in t...

Run through each level as you continuously change color to match the blocks on the ground. Press the space bar or J to start each level. Use Space Bar or J to jump. Hold S to turn ...

“Five Birds” is a Memory game . Just listen and watch how the birds sings and then try to repeat the same sequence by clicking on the birds

Play your favourite Gibson guitar on you computer use mouse to move along string, press it to mute.

Click the circles as fast as you can! Accuracy and timing are key! Take too long and the circles will break. Click circles to remove them once they turn green. Click and drag to ge...

The world’s first video chat music game! JABBO™ is a video chat game that uses your webcam to detect movement. Now with JABBO Live, you can thump to the beat of catchy tunes ...

变幻莫测的喜羊羊让整个羊村都搞糊涂了,慢羊羊村长还发明了各种各样的道具来帮助你哦!游戏中会得到羊儿们的帮助给你各种称谓,有着神奇的特效,快来帮羊羊们找出羊羊图片的不同之处吧,来更加顺利的前往胜利的彼岸吧!! 变幻莫测的喜羊羊让整个羊村都搞糊涂了,慢羊羊村长还发明了各种各样的道具来帮助你哦!游戏中会得到羊儿们的帮助给你各种称谓,有着神奇的特效,快来帮羊羊们找出...

infant 4 to 8 years use the arrows left and right to keep the ball in motion …

Do jumps and stunts to your favorite music in this retro-styled 3D game. Vector Stunt lets you load your own mp3s and uses the music to influence gameplay. Use the LEFT and RIGHT a...

Try to spot the diffrent one, he is the spy, get rid of him befor timeout & our secrets fall into the hands of our enemies!!

Games of rapids on keyboard 1. We show the games(sets) of four digit numbers in the top of the screen. Type them so quickly and also exactly the part(party) more low of the écran.q...

Simple catching game Use mouse to move the catcher.

very cute game! Your task – to make ice cream rabbits!

Do you like typing games? This one is made for you! Great graphics, many levels, difficulty choice, boss at the end of every level, large database of words and others… Type t...

Show your dream steps with keyboard.Who is real the king of the dance? Dance: arrow key: ↑↓←→ Confirm : spacebar

A nice little piano game to play around with. Make beautiful melodies without a problem! Use you keyboard or your mouse to play.
