
Felicia The Teen Sensation Felicia, a talented video jockey, has been invited to host a show at a popular mall. She needs to put forth her best look as she will be the star attraction tonight. She needs a de...
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Black And WHite Fashion Items This cute girl loves her fashion, its a particular style though, she loves her clothing to black and or white. Since she has such a tight range of colours it’s not easy for h...
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天使的诱惑 舞会即将开始,你会不会就是童话故事中那个能将灰姑娘变成美丽公主的人呢? 操作方法:鼠标单击拖动喜欢的服饰至女孩身上。
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Fairy Dress up Fairy Girl Dress up Game.
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Hotel Baron Build and manage your own five star hotel! Hotel Baron is a lightweight, easy-to-pick-up business simulation game in the hotel world. Build the hotel of your dreams; construct the ...
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Piano Talent (钢琴达人) v1.0 只电脑键盘和鼠标就能成为钢琴达人! 玩法:相应字母通过红线时点击键盘就可以演奏美妙的音乐。 没有学过钢琴也能成为钢琴N级的达人高手? 亲手弹一首钢琴曲送给她(他)? 与她(他)和兄弟姐妹们合作弹一首爱之曲? 钢琴达人(Piano Talent)小游戏帮你实现梦想! Become a piano talent with computer keyboard an...
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麻辣特警 Hot Pursuit 囂張的劫罪,竟然在光天化日之下打劫,竟在繁忙的道路上逃走,簡直視警察如無物!正義的靈魂在呼叫,熱血的身體正在沸騰,立即跳上警車之中,把匪徒繩之於法吧!正義就由你來執行,罪案需要你來阻止!Who could ever imagine, robbery in the heat of the day! What’s more outragous is ...
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麻辣特警 Mobile Hot Pursuit Mobile 囂張的劫罪,竟然在光天化日之下打劫,竟在繁忙的道路上逃走,簡直視警察如無物!正義的靈魂在呼叫,熱血的身體正在沸騰,立即跳上警車之中,把匪徒繩之於法吧!正義就由你來執行,罪案需要你來阻止!Who could ever imagine, robbery in the heat of the day! What’s more outragous is ...
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经营时装精品店 你利用手里的闲钱,在小区里开了一家精品时装店,可是现在小店的人气还不是很高哦. 试着认真经营小店吧, 卖些衬衫、长裤等时装. 不要让顾客失望哦. 祝你好运! 点击使用物品...
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樱宝宝快餐车 在这个樱宝宝游戏世界里, 樱宝宝突然想体验一下,流动餐厅的感觉,所以她迫不及待地购买了一辆属于自己的快餐车, 呵呵! 可是她的积蓄实在不多,所以暂时只买了快餐车和一台饮料机,第一站她决定先从游乐园开始 经营自己的事业,她还有合作食品机器要购买,和升级 显然她一个人好象忙不过来 所以樱宝宝需要你的帮助,还等什么快来到她的身边,帮助这个可爱的小女生吧 加油! 操...
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摩托狂飙 摩托狂飙v1.0 这是一款体育竞技类的Flash小游戏。一年一度的摩托车锦标赛开始了,玩家通过摩托进行比赛。游戏每一关都有时间限制,在规定的时间里通过记录点,就能顺利通过并进入下一关。...
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圈圈大师 玩游戏也可以学习万有引力哦!在屏幕上画圈圈就能玩的游戏,利用万有引力的原理将小人送到终点,挑战24个越来越难的关卡吧! 只用你的鼠标就可以游戏!...
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Q'3D Tank This is a 3D tank shooting game. Hurry to challenge the cute enemy tank, to achieve the highest honor (Marshal military rank) and struggle! (这是一个3d坦克射击类游戏,赶快来挑战Q版的敌方坦克,为达到最高荣誉(元帅军衔...
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Librarian 图书管理员游戏,玩家要寻找顾客需要的书籍,游戏之前会有一点时间记忆书籍的摆放位置,你能记住吗? 图书管理员游戏,玩家要寻找顾客需要的书籍,游戏之前会有一点时间记忆书籍的摆放位置,你能记住吗?...
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极限滑雪 夏天到了,你是否热火朝天?来吧,爽快一点,去雪山滑雪吧! 夏天到了,你是否热火朝天?来吧,爽快一点,去雪山滑雪吧!
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Online Zoo Builder Live Play the #1 online zoo building game, Online Zoo Builder, anywhere on the web! Build your own zoo, entertain your guests, and continue to expand your park! Share your park with you...
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Jester Jenny Jester Jenny has been performing for the kings and queens of Hallpassland for generations. And although she’s always performing the song and dance to a tee, she’s alway...
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Love Playing Sport 你有没有试过服装 ? 你会很温柔,舒适,这在本赛季连衣裙时尚。试试在此集合这些衣服,然后你相信我的话。
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Space Dreams These days it’s nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, and fall deep into the cosmos for a delightful foray into the center of the universe to decorate a ...
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Hunter and little dog coloring Hunter and little dog coloring Game.
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