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Run on the mountain. Use Arrows Keys

游戏单人一样可玩.双人玩更好 使用 A W D 键控制黄猫行动,使用 ← ↑ → 键控制蓝猫行动。每关玩家必须收集到所有的宝石,并让双猫战士都到达终点才能进入下一关 双猫战士要出发到森林中寻找遗落的宝石,途中将经历重重的困难,只有依靠敏捷的动作,聪明的头脑及无私的团队精神,才能收集到全部的宝石,出发吧。 游戏单人一样可玩.双人玩更好 使用 A W D 键控制...

使气球碰云朵获得分数,身体接触水果,获得能量, 左边的能量条加满的时候,晃动鼠标释放炸弹,打劫路过的飞机,获得更高的积分。 时间有限,好好加油哦~~ 鼠标控制...

Enjoy the best part of your date! Press and hold left mouse button to kiss.

帮助格兰妮拯救地球上的金丝雀。使用“方向键”来移动,“Shift”跳跃、“F”键射击。 帮助格兰妮拯救地球上的金丝雀。使用“方向键”来移动,“Shift”跳跃、“F”键射击。...

You have to drive injured man to the medical center as fast as you can. That’ ll not be easy and you have to “solve” your path in each level… (Chinese Versi...

一些五彩的方块阻挡的洛洛熊回家的路。 通过鼠标点击五彩方块,使方块消失,使洛洛熊向下落,掉到蓝色的盒子里即为成功。 注意:每次点击一个五彩方块后,需要稍后片刻才能再次消除其他的五彩方块。 游戏有4个场景漂亮的场景共计20关,一些看似简单的关卡其实也充满了考验,要用你的观察力以及耐心去破除障碍。 那么,就由你送洛洛熊回家吧~。 精美的画面,流畅的操作~ 充分体...

根据安徽卫视2010年一档大型户外竞技魅力真人秀同步制作的一款小游戏! 模拟安徽卫视男生女生向前冲实景关卡的一款小游戏,玩小游戏提交积分还可以参与抽奖。 详情请登录www.ahtv.cn查询! 选择男生或者女生开始游戏,A或者←控制角色向后移动,D或者→控制角色向前移动,空格键控制角色跳跃,R键角色位置复位!...

过山车的升级版,可存盘。 游戏分游乐园,海底世界,宇宙空间三个场景一共有15关,画面与流畅度都很好。值得一玩。 按住上方向键,加速 按住下方向键,减速 移动过程中不要碰到障碍物...

类似于马里奥的动作冒险游戏 游戏共设置三关,利用方向键左右,和空格键跳来操纵主角,在游戏中不断获得168积分,还有机会向168000积分冲刺。最后一关 冲到了购物街,您就可以尽情的选购自己心仪的礼品,心动不如行动,马上开始。...

Winx Club Red Fountain Specialists is the first international game of the Winx Club boyfriends; it is 11 Jigsaw puzzles. – submit your artwork and become the next featured ar...

You are locked you up in the holiday apartment, try to figure out how to escape by using the items and solving the puzzles.rn

There is an Egg Kingdom where lives a very brave egg superman who is the idol of the people. Recently, Evil Fruit has invaded Egg Kingdom. Egg Superman’s mission is to defeat...

Head back into the fray and save Arkandia again this time against the Revenant! Embark on your journey as either an Arkandian or Necretian(Or even a Demon/Ascended if you’ve ...

Update This game was made to thank everyone who donated to the dolls. The ads in the game don’t hurt anyone. None of the ads actually affect the game play, but they have to b...

Make your place in the history of Arkandia. Thrown head first into the raging conflict between heaven and hell you must choose a side and forever change the fate of the world. Delv...

Use carnivore plant to go through dwarf settlements and wipe out all of them to protect the nature in this point and click adventure game! Subtle humour; and loads of evil dwarf bl...

It is not final version! Mix of strategy and RPG. You can’t control your soldiers directly ,but you can give them commands. Different types of armor and weapon will help your...

Princess of Puerto rico game has 7-levels, Princess need to reach her palace crossing all the levels. Meanwhile the princess have health meter if she loses her health in crossing t...

The dive challenger is a strategy based sports game. You are supposed to dive in to the pool. Get score by rotating and doing other action with out geting hurt. Gain minimum score ...
