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和莉莉一起出发踏上另一段冒险历程吧。 莉莉要关掉所有的开关以防止巧克力滴下来,还要躲开滴下的巧克力。 所有的开关都关闭之后,大门会打开。 巧克力滴会让你2秒钟无法移动,并损失一些生命。 左右方向键进行移动。 向下方向键关闭开关。 空格键跳跃。 向上方向键穿过大门。...

幽影:无声杀手:暗杀军火商 想除掉恶人嘛?来找幽影吧!目标: 干掉毒枭乔伊 Chinese version of : Shadow : The Silent Assassin – The death of a Warlord. A slick stickman sniper with all info in Chinese. www.peizwe...

Hydro Tank Chinese Version is a shooter game where you have to command a hydro tank and defend the earth from the bugs invasion. Kill all the enemies and collect points. Move the t...

In this physic based platformer, you can interact with the world however you want. Join Ozee in his jurney and explore exciting land of puzzles. Use your keyboard to move Ozee. Try...

很久很久以前,人类与龙族掌管着世界。龙族首领黑暗之龙生性残暴,它妄图称霸整个世界,但最终被一个神秘骑士封印在地底。 操作方法: 键盘方向键控制角色移动 Z键攻击 X键使用技能。 A键使用体力药水 S键使用魔法药水。 很久很久以前,人类与龙族掌管着世界。龙族首领黑暗之龙生性残暴,它妄图称霸整个世界,但最终被一个神秘骑士封印在地底。 操作方法: 键盘方向键控制角...

WASD控制人物移动 J是攻击1 K是跳跃 L是攻击2 I是能量波。 WASD控制人物移动 J是攻击1 K是跳跃 L是攻击2 I是能量波。

方向键←→左右移动 方向键↑跳跃 方向键↓切换地图 空格键拾取物品 A普通攻击(要先装备武器才能攻击),S二连击 方向键←→左右移动 方向键↑跳跃 方向键↓切换地图 空格键拾取物品 A普通攻击(要先装备武器才能攻击),S二连击...

potboy’s adventure Game Description Potboy is about to start his great adventure. He will tramp over hill and dale to make a wish come ture. What is his wish about? You’...

W/S/A/D 移动 J/K/L 拳 U/I/O 脚 必杀: ←→+ any punch 超必杀: ←→←→+L 当被打6次以上, 即可发动超必杀. W/S/A/D to move. J/K/L to punch. U/I/O to kick. Skill attack: ←→+ any punch Revenge attack: ←→←→+L When y...

根据动漫死神BLEACH和火影忍者为背景的格斗游戏,支持两人同时游戏. 按键/出招方法: 开始画面:W/S-上/下,J-确定 默认按键: 1P-WSAD移动,S防御,J近攻,K跳,L冲刺,U远攻,I必杀,O招唤援助 放招:W+J,S+J,W+U,S+U,W+I,S+I 击倒起身:倒下瞬间按L 卍解:J+K(三格气,限一护/鸣人) 下载方法:加载游戏完成后,点...

传动2.2内部系统彻底升级!!!!! 1.添加圣职者和许多装备道具! 2.删除掉多余的场景,让你找任务,找NPC,出城更快! 3.出城换到了城镇的最左边! 4.需要接任务才可以出城,请大家先去任务中介那里接取任务! 5.道具装备需要按住数字快捷键1~5任意一个,然后鼠标点击道具就可以将道具设置到快捷键上。 6.背包满了需要到杂货店购买背包,或者将多余的东西丢...

朋友们!你们等不及了吗,你们等不及了吗?哈哈,传动力大乱斗应广大玩家邀请,终,终,终,,于,终于出现啦!!! 什么叫做爽快?什么叫做连招?什么叫做好玩?什么叫做乱斗? 那当然就是 传动力大乱斗!!!! 大乱斗第一个版本登场传动DNF的6位角色和海贼王FG的1位角色,让大家可以爽快的操作他们进行对打,通关和生死格斗! 默认操作: 1P: WASD移动角色,J攻...

普京兔:个性和善却愚蠢的,非常喜欢快乐的事却常很容易被卷进纠纷里是个努力的工人。一日宿醉就在工作中偷懒,结果被判了3年的徒刑。监狱生活最开心的 事就是在用餐。 基里连科兔(kirenenko):红兔老大,原黑手党的老大,现在则是死刑犯。原本是双胞胎的红兔,被伙伴背叛炸死变得七零八落,结果两只被接合成了一只!是个平常很安静却会忽然生气的危险男人。有洁癖,对于打...

Use your GlueFO to split asteroids and collect valuable mineral ore. Upgrade your ship and battle enemies for domination of the asteroid harvesting world. Collect the tiny asteroid...

The duck hunting season is opened again! This is a tribute to Duck Hunt, a classic of NES. Hit the ducks using the Mouse. Press R to reload the shotgun.

If you loved PacMan you will love this new style of PacMan called CubeMan (Kuchi) dedicated to the folks at PBMCube. use the mouse and arrow key to move the Cube Man and avoid the ...

One donkey is running in the farm in which many objects are placed. Some objects are deathful, some objects are helpful. The mission is simple, keep the donkey surviving for more a...

“Silent Company” follows the story of an elite sniper team. It brings the player from urban cities to snowy mountains… Missions include hostage rescue, infiltrati...

Explode all enemies, kill all bosses, earn the highest scores in this very addicting game with nice retro-stylized graphics. rn rn 5 big levels, each divided on 8 stages. rn 15 var...

Trailer rn rnrnrnrn rn Unique action puzzle game! High quality art with addictive fresh gameplay. In this game, you are competing with the twelve opponents – twelve funny animal to...
