Lovely and Sporty
적 드레스를 시도Lovely and Sporty? 당신은 정말 편안 온유하고 세련된 이번 시즌이 드레스를 입고 것입니다. 그럼 당신은 내 말을 믿고이 컬렉션에서이 드레스를 사용해보십시오.
Icy Fishes
A fun chain reaction game with strategic system. Help the octopus to rescue fishes from ice floes to… eat them. – Click anywhere near the flows to trigger an explosion and create chain reaction. – Use various bombs to get more powerful chain reaction! To buy a bomb, click its icon ...
chinch the mexican chinchilla
Chinch the chinchilla hovers through the levels collecting salt, tequila and lemon. Collect all three ingredients to complete the level. You must complete every level within 15 seconds. Don’ t touch the surface!
Bobble Shooter CZ
Zamiř a vystřel. Spoj tři a více stejných kuliček, abys je nechal explodovat a získal tak body. V této modifikací klasického Bubble Shooter hraječ v módu přežití – hra se postupně stává ryhlejší a tvým úkolem je vydržet co nejdéle. Čím více kuliček spojíš a čím déle vydržíš, tím větší skóre získáš.P...
kick ass 欠抽兔
《欠抽兔》是sunsum&vox 最新力作。它一款益智消除类游戏。该作通过玩家耳熟能详的石头、剪子、布消除方块进行游戏,游戏用有时间停止、魔法、炸弹等道具,让对抗更加激烈,让玩法更富有策略性。在游戏中要尽量的保持连击的次数,才能获得更高的积分。 游戏的另一亮点是那只欠抽的兔子,丰富的动画让画面更加友好、有趣。游戏中有多个场景,从神秘的埃及古堡到日本道场,从隔壁大妈家的后花园到城市下水道,画面表现不错。 游戏中设计简洁但功能比较全。游戏整体表现非常棒,优秀的画面效果不错。 激烈紧张的对抗,不能让你有丝毫松懈,好了,来挑战一下吧!~...
Destrua todas as caixas sem deixar que caiam sobre os cogumelos. O jogo foi criado apenas para testar o programa Scirra Construct. Ao todo ele tem 9 níveis bastante difersificados. Alguns elementos do jogo: Queda Livre; colisões; Molas; alteração de gravidade para aumentar a dificuldade em certos ní...
Raze 2
Arm yourself with a vast array of weapons, equipment, and abilities to fight off the alien forces and save the human race. Or become the enemy and fight for it’s destruction. Movement – WASD/Arrow Keys (or Space to jump) Aiming/Shooting – Mouse Next/Previous Weapon – Q/E or Shift/Enter Select specif...
Zombie Jump
Help zombies to get as high as possible. Collect brains. Dodge axes and saws.
Game Scores
There are no best players! Play this game to be the best player!