This is a sequel of sorts to our earlier successful strategy war game – Genghis Khan. Comments from players of the earlier game have been taken into consideration for this one.
Conquer the ancient world in this real time strategy warfare game.
Go through the in-game instructions! The are long and detailed. So if you really don’t feel like it, then just experiment – you may fail at first, but you will eventually figure out a good strategy to win the game.
Watch over the battle field and see how your enemy is staging his units. Select your units and stage them to counter the enemies attack!
Consider your terrain type, units strengths and weaknesses and finally how aggressive your attack will be.
If you are not careful, losing one battle, could end your entire campaign.
If the battle is going badly, then remember to RETREAT!
You can heal units during a battle – but it will cost you gold! See in-game
Game Stats
Game Played 965 Times!Game Tags
ancient, empire, en, sparta, war