为了营造更美好的都市环境,各种工程展开,然而不知何由,近日数之不尽的老鼠四处出没,完完全全影响工程进行。你,灭鼠勇士,出动,利用铲子对付这些恶鼠,在有限时间内,越多越好。 An infestation of countless mice is aouund the twon. You, rodent warrior, must ues the shovel and hits the mice to gain higher marks within the scheduled period. 为了营造更美好的都市环境,各种工程展开,然而不知何由,近日数之不尽的老鼠四处出没,完完全全影响工程进行。你,灭鼠勇士,出动,利用铲子对付这些恶鼠,在有限时间内,越多越好。 An infestation of countless mice is aouund the twon. You, rodent warrior, must ues the shovel and hits the mice to gain higher marks within the scheduled period.
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Mouse,Mice,Fun,Action,Shovel,恶鼠,老鼠,动作, zh-cn