Horizontal, vertical or 45 degrees to swap two cards position, when four cards in a line you can remove them, you need to collect light card increase the swap times,when your score more than target score you pass current stage. and in this game has a lot of props can be used.可以水平,垂直或者45度交换卡片的位置,当4个卡片在一条线上时候,即可消除。你需要收集发光的宝石来增加交换次数,游戏中有很多道具可以使用,来比一比看谁通过的关卡最多吧! Horizontal, vertical or 45 degrees to swap two cards position, when four cards in a line you can remove them, you need to collect light card increase the swap times,when your score more than target score you pass current stage. and in this game has a lot of props can be used.可以水平,垂直或者45度交换卡片的位置,当4个卡片在一条线上时候,即可消除。你需要收集发光的宝石来增加交换次数,游戏中有很多道具可以使用,来比一比看谁通过的关卡最多吧!
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Game Played 1,159 Times!Game Tags
4消除, card, flower 对对碰,斜45度消除, match four, remove, shine, stone, 卡片, 发光, 宝石